Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 1 Carnaval!

Hola! I was conflicted about whether or not I should have a blog, just write in my journal, or both while I'm abroad. But I figured that while I usually write just for me, the wonderful people that are ever so curious about what I'm up to in cool places like Rio, Lima, Cuzco, etc. might want in on my journal entries (perhaps that's just a self-centered thought). Either way, I'm taking it to the interweb! Keep in mind this is mostly a journal for me, and I'm not trying to think about writing for an audience. But anyone is welcome to humor me and read!

Even though I hardly understand a word of portuguese and I'm Haley's weird mute friend that smiles and says 'Ola!' and 'Si!,' I must say Rio is treating me quite wonderfully.

Things I'm appreciating/getting used to:

-Old people party and are all about staying up late and chilling with young people.

-Guys are very forward...Me: No falo portuguese (I don't speak portuguese). Brasilian Guys: Ah ingles! Where are you from? You are beautiful, can I kees you. (If you say no, they kees you anyway, tongue and all. lovely)

-I sweat out my body weight in water every day, but people here drink more beer than water. Maybe because you have to pay for water, whaaa? And you pay to use a lot of bathrooms, at least during carnaval.

-I'm really grateful that I can speak even just one language well, and can't wait until I can have actual conversations in spanish. It kinda sucks never knowing what's going on here. When I don't know what's going on (all the time), I say 'Eu nao entendo nada, desculpe' (which would seem similiar to spanish, but pronounced way crazier, and means I understand nothing, sorry)

-Thank god for capoeira! I've only been once, but the maestro here is WONDERFUL. Exhibit A of the afore-mentioned old people. His name is Nestor, and speaks pretty good English so I got to talk to him a lot when we all went out after capoeira. We talked about: capoeira-travel-love-sex-mushrooms-books. But anyway, the capo itself felt SO GOOD to get back into. My body very much agrees with capoeira. Also, we did something I've never done before where everyone holds 2 sticks and does this dance (however you want) following this beat where on the 4th count, you hit another person's right stick with your right stick. I love how flamboyant the guys are here with their dancing.

-People own their sexy bodies. I've never seen so much cleavage and booty shorts strutted around by women/girls of all ages. And the men are shirtless every chance they get, flexing their muscles all over the place. People walk around like, Yup, I am a sexy fuck.

-I got the brazilian wax thing done (ouch, i think hippie liz here depleted Brasil's wax supply), but I still don't think I can handle wearing a thong swimsuit because my 'bumbum' has never seen the light of day and would burn to a crisp.

-K, let's talk about carnaval. EPIC! Sweaty people jam-packed into streets, shoving, shuffling, dancing along in ridiculous heat, people in the blocos (middle of the street, 'blocked' off by a rope that people just come in and out of) walking on stilts, drum circles, other instruments. You wonder how you don't fall down and get stampeded, but somehow everyone keeps everyone standing. And there are even the crazies in the blocos that carry their babies on their shoulders. The best way to describe the experience is one of vibrant colors, rhythms, and sweaty bodies.

I think my next post will be me trying to catalogue the few portuguese words/phrases I've learned so I can maybe have a shot at improving my communication. Which might be kinda dry for people to read, sorry!


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